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Tag: Citizen Social Responsibility

CSR and HR

CSR And HR Are Mutually Beneficial To Each other

CSR and HR are mutually beneficial to each other in an organisation. Given their mutual focus on the human element of an organisation, these...

Citizen Social Responsibility: What to do with e-waste

Would you believe: The average home has 24 electronic products! Do you ever think about what happens to these gadgets when you are done...

Social Media Influencers In CSR

Social media plays a significant role in today's lifestyle. According to a study by influencer marketing agency Mediakix, an average person spends about 2...
You are the change makers

Sharmaji Ka Beta – Individual Change Makers

Sharmaji ka beta is happy with the way the things are progressing with all the initiatives that he started. He saw the positive change...

Mumbai – A City Of Nice People

Being Nice doesn’t cost a lot. Nor does it take a lot of effort. This is a lesson one can learn from Mumbai. Mumbai, known...

Kaam Chalu Mooh Bandh

Believers of solution-oriented approach, ‘The Ugly Indian’ a group of unknown citizen started working towards cleaning the filth in cities. The initiative that started...

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