Home CATEGORIES Education and Skill Training What is Maharashtra’s ‘Learn while Earn Scheme’ for underprivileged students

What is Maharashtra’s ‘Learn while Earn Scheme’ for underprivileged students

In a bid to combat dropout rates due to socio-economic issues while pursuing higher education and to cater to the increasing demand of skilled human resources in the industry, the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) has come up with a unique ‘Learn while Earn’ scheme which will allow eligible less privileged youths to pursue higher education while working.
The objective is to provide an opportunity to meritorious students coming from underprivileged backgrounds to earn money while they are still pursuing higher education. At the same time, this scheme is also expected to partially reduce the shortage of skilled manpower faced by industries and also provide avenues for upgradation of skills.


The ‘Learn while Earn’ scheme will allow direct industry involvement in technical education with the facility of on job training. Under this scheme, the selected students will get fees or monthly stipend from the industry. Students are also eligible to get other expenses like enrolment fee, examination fee etc. The industry will have to allow the working student to appear for exams as per the regulations of MSBTE.
Under this scheme, required infrastructure and space for conducting a class will have to be provided within the industry premises, where theory portion will be taught by faculty appointed by the institute. Any institute applying for the above scheme should have a minimum of 20 faculty on contract or permanent basis.
The industry will also provide canteen, transport, insurance, medical and other facility as per industry rules to the students working under this scheme.

Role of MSBTE

MSBTE will decide programmes to cater to the needs of the candidates as per the requirements of the industry.  From time to time MSBTE will develop skill-based curriculum designed by experts for the students as per the requirements of the industry.  MSBTE will be conducting exams as per their academic calendar to evaluate the students working under this scheme at MSBTE’s designated examination centres.

National Skill Development Mission

The Learn while Earn Scheme is in accordance with Government of India’s National Skill Development Mission which was launched in 2015 with an aim to create convergence across sectors and states in terms of skill training activities.