Home Press Release Indis Foundation releases its wp report

Indis Foundation releases its wp report

INDIS FOUNDATION (PBEL –wp Division) in association with LIONS CLUB OF HYDERABAD, KUKATPALLY  jointly organized a   FREE EYE CHECK UP CAMP at Khanapur village of Rajendranagar mandal  on 12-9-2014  . Ophthalmologists from the SADHURAM EYE HOSPITAL and PEACE FOUNDATION  participated   in the camp and extend their professional services.

In the camp about  300 people mostly aged women and men from the village as well as surrounding places  participated and  utilized the  free eye check up  services  by  Spectacles were   provided to 89 patients  at free of cost by  the LIONS CLUB OF HYDERABAD,KUKATPALLY  to the deserving members . Also for  12  patients free eye  surgery  was done  free of cost by  SADHURAM EYE HOSPITAL ,Hyderabad. In this program from  LIONS CLUB the   1st VDG Ln. Hanumantha Rao, Ln. Eswar Reddy,Ln L.Raghuram Reddy,Ln. Venkat Rao ,Ln Subbireddy participated  .From PBEL Sri. Goverrdhan Reddy, Sri.Soma Jagan Mohan Reddy,Sri.P.V.Ramana and Mr.Rambabu   participated  and helped in successful conduction of the program. The ACP of Rajendrangar Sri Muthyam Reddy, Rajendranagar Mandal President   Sri.Mallesh ,Khanapur Sarpanch Sri. Narsimha participated as Guests  and extended their support   and also  distributed free spectacles to the patients.

INDIS FOUNDATION  with an objective of providing skill training to the  women and youth in collaboration with Khadi MahaVidyalaya( a State Govt. institution) ,Rajendranagr,Hyerabad  organized  the skill training program in Leaf plate making, paper products making to 30 poor  women of  Himayatsagar village.  women members of the village who are willing to undergo the skill training was identified and providing the training at Himyat sagar village  from 21st September  .This training will be given for a period one month  with the help of Khadi Mahavidyalaya Instructors. On completion of the training each of 5 women will be made in to Self Help Groups(SHGs)  and start their own enterprise  to earn the additional income to the family. This initiative of INDIS FOUNDATION will help the poor women to improve their financial status and also improve their livelihood. It is expected that each of the women through their self employment activity will earn on average Rs.5000 per month.

In the month of June 2014  with an  objective of  spreading the Multi Speciality Hitech Medicare service to the Rural and Tribal poor of Vishakapatnam   district and nearby areas  of Andhra Pradesh, ,INDIS FOUNDATION in association with the NGO networks of Vizag and Narsipatnam areas and OMNIRK- Multi Speciality Hospital   organized  an NGO meet  to identify the  RURAL HEALTH PROMOTERS  (RHP). The RHPs  will motivate the people on the services and specialties  of OMNI RK and link up the patients from the Rural and Tribal areas  to provide Hitech medicare  at an affordable cost to the poor. In this program about 150 NGO attended in the both camps .

OMNI RK-1-checker

As a follow  up of this program  the NGO network selected 319 candidates  who will work as the Rual Health Promoters in the villages and guide the patients and the general public  on the Heatlh care and Health education programs and link up the needy patiens to the OMNI-RK to get an affordable treatment  and  excellent service to the patients .

In collaboration with NSIC (Govt. of India)  INDIS FOUNDATION  planned  to implement  a program for “PROVIDING  HEARING AIDS AND ARTIFICIAL LIMBS TO THE POOR “  This program will be implemented at Vikarabad area(Rangareddy district of Telangana State)  covering the surrounding mandal villages. As part of it survey will be done in the villages and identify the people with the  orthopedic and hearing disabilities. Further to this a screening camp will be organized utilizing the services of ENT and ORTHOPEDIC DOCTORS to screen the patients and  short list  the needy who required the supporting  aids  to overcome their  disabilities. For implementing the said program NSIC (Govt. of India )Sanctioned Rs.3,00,000 towards the cost of organizing the screening camps and purchase of the  required aids for the deserving patients. The entire implementation of this program will be completed by end of October 2014. With this about 100-150  physically challenged poor people will be benifitted and  get confidence to have a dignified life  removing the stigma.