‘Tech for Sustainable Development’, IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022 was held at Victor Menezes Convention Centre at the Institute’s campus on July 6, 2022. A large number of India’s biggest corporates attended the conclave. The Institute demonstrated its forays into the variety of research work that can be supported through CSR which was extremely well received and appreciated by the corporates in attendance.
Mr. Amarjeet Sinha, Former Advisor in the Prime Minister’s Office and Retired IAS officer presided over the event as the Chief Guest in virtual mode. During his keynote address at the conclave, Mr. Sinha said, “The biggest challenge we face with regards to sustainable development is both in technology development for, and the presence of competent professionals in rural areas, as well as a strong community connect. Technological innovations can play a critical role in improving the lives and livelihoods of deprived households and moving them up the skilling ladder. The coming together of ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ and Institutions like IIT Bombay, whose ideas and innovations can be transformative for the livelihoods of people, provide an opportunity for the same.”
Mr. Amarjeet Sinha delivering the keynote address at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
Ms. Sujata Saunik (IAS), Additional Chief Secretary, General Administration Department (GAD), Government of Maharashtra (India), and Takemi Fellow, Harvard University, graced the conclave as the Guest of Honour. Ms. Saunik was a panelist in ‘Climate Change Mitigation through Technology and Innovation.’ While speaking at the panel, she highlighted the “5Cs” approach toward climate change mitigation. These include cost, capacity, collaboration, climate-centric policies, and cohesive outcome.
Ms. Saunik presenting her views during a panel discussion on ‘Climate Change Mitigation through Technology and Innovation,’ at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
Prof. S. Sudarshan, Deputy Director (Academic and Infrastructural Affairs), IIT Bombay while speaking at the conclave said, “IIT Bombay has one of the richest ecosystems of research and education in science and technology in the country. IIT Bombay and companies can work together to create an impact. By partnering with the Institute, corporates will be a part of cutting-edge research in areas of local and global importance, and in the process, fine-tune their CSR strategies to make them more impactful. I would like to thank all the leaders from many of India’s biggest companies who are participating in this conclave and have witnessed the projects currently underway at the Institute.”
Prof. S. Sudarshan speaking at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development,’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
Prof. Sudarshan also showcased a recently released book – ‘IIT Bombay’s Ideas and Innovations for Society’ (IBIS) that highlighted 100 technology translations of IIT Bombay that have created a significant societal impact.
Many of the corporate leadership expressed keen interest in collaborating with IIT Bombay in its research areas of global importance, particularly sustainability, healthcare, and women empowerment.
The CSR Journal extended media support to IIT Bombay for the event.
About Tech for Sustainable Development
The conclave was based on themes that correspond to critical areas of research being pursued by IIT Bombay to develop actionable, cost-effective, sustainable, and scalable solutions that can solve pressing challenges of national and global importance. These include education, healthcare, rural development and agriculture, sustainability, skills and entrepreneurship, women empowerment, social and policy development.
‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ gave an insight into the Institute’s R&D projects in these core areas to the corporates. A detailed presentation on the same was made by Prof. Ravindra D. Gudi, Dean (Alumni and Corporate Relations), IIT Bombay. In addition, the conclave also helped corporate leadership discover ways in which they can collaborate with IIT Bombay to create societal impact through technology solutions and make their CSR outcomes more impactful and measurable.
IIT Bombay also showcased its pioneering projects through kiosks that were set up thematically at the venue. Some of the faculty members/ students of the Institute, who are directly involved in these projects, were present at these kiosks to interact with the attendees and give them a detailed overview of their current research pursuits and future goals.
Presentation of kiosks on six core themes of ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’- IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
The conclave hosted presentations by IIT Bombay’s faculty members on various themes such as ‘Rural Development through Technology Solutions’, ‘India’s Transition to Electric Mobility’, and ‘Sustainability Aspects in Chemical and Pharma Manufacturing’.
Presentation on ‘Rural Development through Technology Solutions’ by Prof. Bakul Rao, Professor at the Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay, at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
Presentation on ‘Challenges in India’s Transition to Electric Mobility’ by Prof. Sandeep Anand, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
Presentation on ‘Sustainability Aspects in Chemical and Pharma Manufacturing’ by Prof. Ravindra D. Gudi, Dean (Alumni and Corporate Relations), IIT Bombay at ‘Tech for Sustainable Development’ – IIT Bombay’s Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conclave 2022
The conclave also held various panel discussions with industry experts and faculty members on issues related to its core themes. The first panel on ‘Climate Change Mitigation through Technology and Innovations’ addressed the adverse effects of climate change and the innovative solutions that can help combat this global problem.
Panel on ‘Climate Change Mitigation through Technology and Innovations’. Participants (left to right): Prof. Subimal Ghosh, Convener, Interdisciplinary Program in Climate Studies, and Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay (moderator); Ms. Sujata Saunik (IAS), Additional Chief Secretary, General Administration Department (GAD), Government of Maharashtra (India) and Takemi Fellow, Harvard University; Ms. Lipi Mehta, Head, Outreach & Partnerships, Paani Foundation; Prof. D. Parthasarathy, Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Science, IIT Bombay (virtual mode)
This was followed by a panel on ‘Clean Energy Solutions’ that showcased the current and emerging challenges in the clean energy space and the role of academia in helping resolve them.
Panel on ‘Clean Energy Solutions’. Participants (left to right): Mr. Pawan Mehndiratta, Head, Corporate Centre – Tech & Manufacturing, L&T Green Energy; Prof. Shireesh B. Kedare, Professor, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay (moderator); Prof. Suneet Singh, Head of Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay; Dr. Ravindra Utgikar, Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Marketing, Praj Industries Ltd.; Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki, Professor, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
The third panel in the series, ‘Healthcare and Biosciences: Key Challenges and Technology Solutions’, discussed the current and emerging challenges in the healthcare space and analysed the vital role that academia plays in finding long-term solutions, especially focused on underprivileged communities.
Panel on ‘Healthcare and Biosciences: Key Challenges and Technology Solutions’. Participants (left to right): Dr. Srivalli Shrikanth, Professor and Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai; Prof. Siddharth Tallur, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Professor-In-Charge, Wadhwani Electronics Laboratory, IIT Bombay; Prof. B. Ravi, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Principal Investigator, Biomedical Engineering and Technology Innovation Centre, IIT Bombay; Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, and Professor-in-Charge, Koita Centre for Digital Health, IIT Bombay; Dr. Abdur Rub, Chief Executive Officer, Wadhwani Research Centre for Bioengineering, IIT Bombay (moderator).
The fourth panel on ‘Circular Economy’ highlighted the challenges and opportunities that exist in the Circular Economy domain and elaborated on the opportunities for synergy between industry and academia.
Panel on ‘Circular Economy.’ Participants (left to right): Mr. Rajendra V. Gandhi, Managing Director of GRP Limited; Mr. Swapan Ray, Honorary Secretary, Indian Centre for Plastic in the Environment and Sr. Vice President (Petrochemicals), Reliance Industries Limited.; Mr. Gurpreet Kohli, Global Program Director ( R&D ), Fabric Solutions / Laundry, Unilever; Prof. Guruswamy Kumaraswamy, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay; Prof. Yogendra Shastri, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay (moderator)
The final panel of the conclave on ‘Tech Entrepreneurship: Driving India’s Growth’ deliberated on the possibility of a collaborative framework where IIT Bombay can partner with industry and support socially relevant organizations and entrepreneurs.
Panel on ‘Tech Entrepreneurship: Driving India’s Growth’. Participants (left to right): Mr. Ravishankar Gedela, Chief Executive Officer, IIT Bombay Development and Relations Foundation (IITBDRF); Prof. B. Ravi, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor-In-Charge, Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship, IIT Bombay; Mr. Rushin Patel, Regional CSR Head – Mumbai & other Districts, Adani Foundation; Prof. Devdip Purkayastha, Professor-of-Practice, Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship, IIT Bombay (moderator)
The conclave was sponsored by IIT Bombay’s Wadhwani Research Centre for Bioengineering and Koita Centre for Digital Health.
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