Home Press Release World Stray Animal Day: Initiative to sensitise school children on street dogs...

World Stray Animal Day: Initiative to sensitise school children on street dogs in Vadodara

Vadodara, India: In observance of World Stray Animal Day, animal protection organization, Humane Society International/India hosted an interactive game in Vadodara to sensitize school children on crucial concerns surrounding street dogs in a playful and engaging manner.
The game engaged approximately 30 preschool children (between ages 3 to 6 years) in a life-sized board game called ‘Slides and Ladders’, inspired by the popular ‘Snakes and Ladders’ format. In this adaptation, slides represented challenges and adversities faced by street dogs, while ladders emphasized positive actions and solutions for peaceful coexistence.
Children and parents were educated on different aspects of street dog concerns in India, covering topics such as rabies, spaying and neutering, relocation, dog behavior, veterinary care, vaccination, animal laws, and more.
Given that children reportedly are often the victims of dog bites, this interactive game is an attempt to educate children on street dog issues and empower them while also aiming to fosters a deeper understanding of both human and dog behavior, promoting peaceful coexistence in society. HSI/India has been working in Vadodara since September 2017 and along with the Vadodara Municipal Corporation, it has attained a remarkable milestone of 86% street dog sterilization rate in 2022, the highest ever achieved and maintained by an Indian city.



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