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March 29, 2025

Animal protection organization rescuing companions and farmed animals amid devastating Assam floods

Assam, India: Animal protection organization Humane Society International/India, in collaboration with Humanitarian Aid International, North-East Affected Area Development Society, Just Be Friendly and Anchalik Gram Unnayan Parishad, is providing critical emergency relief to the animals and people affected by the devastating floods in Assam. The floods have left countless humans and animals stranded, injured and in desperate need of food and medical or veterinary attention. HSI/India has deployed its Disaster Preparedness, Response and Relief team on the ground to aid collaborative relief efforts, which include emergency animal feed distribution, medical and veterinary supplies, as well as food rations, water and protective gear for families affected. The organization is working closely with district disaster management authority and local organizations to ensure the most affected animals and people are getting the relief they need.
Reports indicate that more than 24 lakh people have been displaced across 30 districts in Assam, while 15 lakh animals remain at risk. With more rainfall expected in the coming days, the situation is likely to worsen. Owing to the state’s vulnerable geography and changing climate, Assam continues to grapple with recurring floods, posing a significant humanitarian and animal welfare challenge.
Praveen Suresh, manager of disaster preparedness response and Relief at Humane Society International/India, said: “Lakhs of companion and farmed animals are at risk in Assam. The threat to animals also impacts people, their families and their livelihoods. We are witnessing the loss of hundreds of animal lives, with many more suffering injuries, displacement due to their shelters being destroyed plus the high risk of disease spread in the weeks to come. HSI/India is dedicated to providing immediate food and veterinary care to these animals, while also supporting the impacted communities. Our current relief operations plan is to mainly focus on Dorrang, Dhubri and Barpeta districts of Assam, which are also the most affected ones.”




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