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March 13, 2025

$1.4 Billion Fund Unveiled to Combat Global Environmental Crises

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has made a historic announcement, unveiling a groundbreaking funding initiative of $1.4 billion. This unprecedented fund aims to rapidly address environmental crises worldwide, focusing on challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. With a particular emphasis on benefiting marginalised communities, especially women who bear a disproportionate burden, the program seeks to make a transformative impact on a global scale.

Empowering Frontline Communities

Collaborating closely with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is set to allocate over $500 million across 88 countries, with a strong emphasis on supporting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As the lead agency for the Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program, the UNDP, in partnership with United Nations agencies and development partners, will play a pivotal role in providing support to these countries. The primary objective is to empower frontline communities, equipping them with the necessary resources and tools to effectively address the severe environmental and socio-economic shocks resulting from nature loss and the climate crisis.
Under this initiative, the GEF and UNDP recognise the unique challenges faced by communities at the forefront of environmental crises. By collaborating with local stakeholders, indigenous groups, and youth, the aim is to ensure that the funds are utilised in the most effective and impactful manner. The support provided will encompass a wide range of activities, including capacity building, technical assistance, and community-led projects, all geared towards enhancing resilience and sustainable development.

Aligned with Global Targets

The newly announced funding by the GEF is closely aligned with the ambitious targets set by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. This strategic alignment demonstrates a strong commitment to address two critical global environmental issues: biodiversity loss and climate change mitigation. The fund seeks to scale up efforts to secure financing from both the public and private sectors, recognising the need for collective action in combating these interconnected challenges.
With a specific focus on critical areas, such as forest conservation, combating chemical and plastic pollution, and restoring ecosystems, the GEF funding initiative aims to drive tangible results. By catalysing sustainable blue and green pathways, the program aims to accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This comprehensive approach acknowledges the urgent need to protect and restore ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and reduce carbon emissions, all while promoting inclusive and sustainable development.
The GEF’s investment in these critical areas is rooted in the understanding that the health of the planet is intricately linked to human well-being. By addressing biodiversity loss and climate change, the initiative aims to create a more resilient and sustainable future for communities worldwide.
By aligning with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the GEF and its partners are sending a clear signal to the international community. The fund not only demonstrates the commitment to global targets but also provides a platform to mobilise additional resources and encourage broader engagement. The funding will act as a catalyst for change, leveraging partnerships and innovative solutions to address environmental challenges at a scale commensurate with the magnitude of the crises we face.

Commitment to Action

Haoliang Xu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for Programme and Policy Support, is deeply committed to taking action in response to the pressing environmental challenges we face. With a sense of urgency, Xu emphasises the need to restore and manage biodiversity while simultaneously adapting to the rapidly changing climate. Recognising the gravity of the situation, UNDP is fully dedicated to intensifying its efforts and working closely with partners to scale up successful initiatives.
To effectively deliver on its commitment, UNDP has made significant improvements in its systems, expanded its expertise, and established a broader network of partners. These enhancements enable UNDP to better address environmental issues and respond to the evolving needs of communities worldwide. By leveraging these resources, UNDP aims to translate its dedication into tangible actions that produce real results, benefiting both people and the planet.
As part of its comprehensive support to countries, UNDP’s initiative extends beyond the initial funding by aiming to unlock an additional $9 billion in capital across 88 countries. Recognising the importance of financial resources, the initiative focuses on mitigating policy risks and providing incentives to encourage investment from the public sector, private sector, and development banks.
This ambitious goal aims to enable businesses, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and communities to thrive in their transition towards more resilient, sustainable, and low-carbon practices. By unlocking additional capital, UNDP seeks to create an enabling environment where innovative ideas and sustainable business models can flourish. This approach empowers communities to seize opportunities and maximise the potential for economic growth while simultaneously safeguarding the environment. The initiative also emphasises the importance of protecting and restoring natural resources, particularly globally significant biodiversity hotspots, which play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Strength through Partnership

The strength of the GEF’s new work program lies in the power of partnership. By leveraging the unique expertise and extensive geographical coverage brought by its members, the GEF is able to address environmental challenges more comprehensively and effectively. This collective effort ensures that diverse perspectives and experiences are incorporated into the decision-making process, fostering a holistic and inclusive approach.
A significant portion of the funding, over $137 million, will be allocated to the UNDP-implemented Small Grants Programme. With a proven track record of success spanning over 30 years, this program has been instrumental in channelling funds directly to indigenous and local communities. By empowering these communities to take locally-led action, the Small Grants Programme enhances their overall well-being and generates socio-economic and environmental benefits. This localised approach recognises the importance of community engagement and ensures that environmental solutions are tailored to the specific needs and realities of different regions.

Testimonials from Comoros and Djibouti

Minister Houmed M’Saidié of Agriculture, Fisheries, the Environment, Tourism, and Handicrafts in the Union of Comoros commends UNDP’s support in protecting watersheds, marine and terrestrial biodiversity, and meeting the Nationally Determined Contribution targets of the Paris Agreement. The funding arrives at a crucial time, enabling vulnerable countries to scale up existing successes and implement sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural and water management practices. By incentivising restoration and ecosystem protection while minimising harmful land use such as deforestation, a more resilient future can be built for future generations.
In Djibouti, where sea and marine biodiversity significantly contribute to economic growth, safeguarding marine ecosystems has become more urgent than ever. UNDP’s collaboration with the GEF and other global funds like the Green Climate Fund has been instrumental in expanding marine biodiversity protection areas and improving the management and monitoring of marine protected areas. These efforts ensure that essential ecosystems remain economically and socially beneficial for future generations.


The GEF’s unprecedented $1.4 billion fund marks a historic milestone in addressing global environmental crises. As the GEF Assembly approaches, there is an opportunity for collaborative action and inclusive participation from governments, businesses, civil society, and young people. Together, they can shape a more sustainable and resilient future for the benefit of all.

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