Home Header News First edition of SDGs Impact Summit on November 15-16

First edition of SDGs Impact Summit on November 15-16


Global social impact enterprise The World We Want (WWW) and the global business intelligence initiative part of The Times Group, Times Strategic Solutions Limited, have announced the inaugural The Economic Times SDGs Impact Summit.

Convening over 500 global delegates across government, media, activists, celebrities, industry leaders, civil society, NGOs, young advocates, corporates and the private sector committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the Summit will take place across 15th–16th November at the Taj Palace Hotel, Delhi.

The 17 SDGs were first established at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 by 193 world leaders, with a commitment to ending global poverty, reducing inequalities and tackling climate change by 2030. Through Plenary and SpeedTalk sessions, Hackathons, and other impactful activities, delegates will participate in a transformative day of deliberation and debate as the world’s most influential changemakers converge to utilise the power of cross-sector, cross-continental collaboration.

The Summit will consist of four key thematic areas which will form the basis of discussions, including – People, Prosperity, Planet and Partnerships.

India, as the second most populous country holding nearly 1/7th of the total human race, and worlds youngest population, naturally identifies as a critical player in the efforts to achieving the SDGs – hence its role as the inaugural host of the India SDGs Summit.