Home CATEGORIES Health & Sanitation CSR News: Volvo Group brings clean drinking water to Avalahalli village

CSR News: Volvo Group brings clean drinking water to Avalahalli village

The drinking water in some areas around Bangalore city is reported to have high levels of bacteriological and chemical contaminants, making it unfit for consumption. To provide access to safe and clean drinking water, Volvo Group has helped setup of a clean drink water plant (main plant) and 3 water dispenser units (drop points) in Avalahalli Panchayat as a CSR initiative.
GV Rao, Director Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and S Gangadhar, Vice President, Volvo Truck Plant, Volvo Group, India inaugurated the water plant and dispenser units along with Aravind Limbavali, MLA. They handed over the water can to Panchayat President Smt Jyothi Devaraj. Also present at the inauguration ceremony were Avalahalli Panchayat members and officials along with Ananth Jagdishan, Head Operations, Procyon which has supplied the water treatment plant.

Volvo water plant inauguration

Kamal Bali President & MD, Volvo Group in India said, “Hygiene & Sanitation & Safe water are essentials as founding blocks for community progress. Water plays a vital role in community health & contamination of it has major consequences in terms of water-borne diseases, even more so on the women and the young in the community. It’s my hope that the plant will not only provide accessible and clean drinking water but be a step in supporting the community to progress into the future.”
A recent feasibility study had revealed that the water bodies in the area are contaminated with high levels of fluoride and TDS, potentially causing water-borne diseases. The water plant provides 18,000 litres of clean drinking water per day. With 3 drop points installed, this plant can cater to the needs of over 5,000 people daily.
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