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Food wastage and SDG

Food wastage and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs in short) emphasize both increasing food security and reducing stress on natural resources. Reducing food loss and food wastage can make a critical contribution to these broad goals. SDG 12 focuses specifically on sustainable consumption and production patterns; SDG target 12.3 calls for halving global food wastage at the retail and...
CSR spending in thematic areas

Are CSR projects and spends aligned with thematic areas?

According to Census 2011 undertaken by the Government of India, 6% of the nation’s population resides in slums, amounting to more than 7 crore people, which is a significant number. People living in slum areas face multiple challenges, ranging from insufficient living area to lack of access to drinking water, and require assistance through...
CSR projections

CSR in 2019: Thematic areas to stay tuned for

2019 will be a promising year of impact. Reporting, branding and market feedback are all aligning to support a higher level of CSR activity than ever before. Pay attention to how companies are gearing up to ride these waves and engage with thoughtful CSR campaigns. Of course, aligning strategy with the SDGs is one major...
CSR trends for 2019

Top CSR trends and projections for 2019

It has been quite an eventful year in the corporate social responsibility domain. So active was this field that a High Level Committee on CSR 2018 has been re-constituted under the chairmanship of Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, MCA to review the existing framework and guide and formulate the roadmap for a coherent policy on CSR. The...
Responsible business rankings

CSR Top 10: Responsible Business Rankings 2018

Companies undertake many types of responsible business activities. It is difficult to comprehend easily the breadth and scope of their work. A new study uses a measure called the Spread, which is indicative of how broad-based the responsible business activities of a company are and is a combined score of the four criteria: Disclosure,...
Go Vegan to prevent climate change

Stop Climate Change By Changing What You Eat

COP24 (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) is underway in Poland but they have reached a stalemate regarding a key scientific report which presents the impacts of temperature rise of 1.5C on the world. The world is doing much worse and is now heading towards a temperature...
Royal Bengal Tiger

Increase In The Number Of Tigers In India

The Royal Bengal Tiger was declared as the national animal of India in 1973. The move was a part of ‘Project Tiger’ to check the shrinking population of these big cats. When the project was launched from Corbett’s Dhikala range, the Royal Bengal Tiger was facing extinction with only about 268 wild cats according to...
Organic farming in Sikkim

Sikkim, India’s First Fully Organic State

Sikkim became the first state in India to officially announce adoption of organic farming in the year 2003 to ensure long term sustenance of soil fertility, protection of environment and ecology, healthy living and decreasing the risk of health ailments. In 2003, Sikkim stopped imports of chemical fertilizers in the State and since then...

Difference Between CSR And Philanthropy

Majority of the times when Corporate Social Responsibility is mentioned, it is mainly in reference to the philanthropic initiatives of a company. CSR and Philanthropy has been always misconstrued as synonymous. However, there is a significant difference between the two. Philanthropy is defined as promoting and attempting to bring about social change by majorly making...
CSR In India

Why India Needs CSR

India is a fastest growing economy. However, it has several poverty issues too which act as chronic diseases against development and progress. Hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, unemployability, illiteracy, casteism, etc. are only some of them. The government is working tirelessly towards these causes. However, poor accountability, corruption and favouritism act has hindrances. Lack of inadequate methods...

Why does homeopathy get a bad name?

It comes as no surprise that many strong advocates of conventional medicine have a somewhat disdainful regard for homeopathy. The long history of attack stems from opposing views between conventional medicine and homeopathy practitioners on how illness should be treated, especially when it comes to the treatment of disease. Conventional medicine basically assumes that there...
CSR and SDGs

CSR In the Light of SDGs

2015 was a watershed moment in the international development scenario. It was the year of transition from Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs in short. What are the SDGs? Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted on 25 September 2015 by 193 countries to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for...

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