Home CATEGORIES Environment Sadhguru’s Conscious Planet movement puts focus on soil conservation

Sadhguru’s Conscious Planet movement puts focus on soil conservation

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has shared alarming facts in its latest report. “Every year, 75 billion tons of fertile soil is lost to land degradation. Similarly 12 million hectares of land are lost every year to desertification and drought alone. This is an area that could produce 20 million tons of grain,” the UNCCD has stated.
The United Nations agencies have also brought forward that the world is left with agricultural soil for 80-100 crops, or another 45-60 years. 80% of the biomass insects have disappeared over the last 30 years and it is predicted that within 45 to 50 years, there will be an inevitable food crisis on the planet, which will bring tremendous chaos and suffering to populations around the world.
With much attention being directed at carbon, emissions and pollution as fundamental environmental issues, Sadhguru prompts everyone to distinguish between ecological issues and civic issues that can be addressed and reversed with the needed awareness and law enforcement. The real issue, he contends, is soil extinction. On World Soil Day yesterday, Sadhguru, Founder-Isha Foundation, called for urgent steps to revive soil’s organic content.
“Soil is a very significant carbon sink, the largest water soak on the planet, and the basis of all life. The 36-39 inches of topsoil on average around the planet is the basis of 87% of life on the planet. The very body that we carry is soil. Without soil being rich and well, this body and every other life cannot be well,” he said.

Conscious Planet movement

As part of this, Sadhguru would be unfolding a movement to save soil called ‘Conscious Planet’. “Right now, it looks like climate change and ecology are the playground of the rich and elite. This must change. Individual human beings should become conscious about the danger that we are facing,” he said.
The movement will galvanize and engage large sections of the world’s population to get involved, create momentum and effect changes in national policies concerning ecological issues.

Prominent global leaders who are a part of the Conscious Planet movement include Deepak Chopra, Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Sadhguru in bike rally

To activate and demonstrate the support of over 3 billion citizens, Sadhguru will be riding a motorcycle alone over 30,000 kilometers, across 24 nations. The rally will start in London, and travel to southern India, where the Cauvery Calling project initiated by Sadhguru has enabled 125,000 farmers to plant 62 million trees to revive water and soil.
To fight the threat of desertification in the world, Sadhguru says that preserving the biodiversity of the soil is the single most significant and urgent concern on the planet today. “Our attention has to shift to soil,” he said.
On Twitter, Sadhguru wrote: “Living Soil, our very body, is moving towards extinction. Addressing this with utmost urgency is the most important Responsibility that all nations have to fulfill. #ConsciousPlanet. Let Us Make It Happen”.

Ecological issues must become election issues. Governments must be elected for their concern for ecological issues, according to the spiritual leader, who championed Rally for Rivers campaign in 2017 and the Cauvery Calling movement in 2019.