Home CATEGORIES Education and Skill Training Kia launches ‘Green Light Project’ in India

Kia launches ‘Green Light Project’ in India

Kia CSR Press release
Kia Motors has started its first ‘Green Light Project’ corporate social responsibility program in India with a two-week volunteer program in Anantapur District, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. In partnership with the regional government, the company is undertaking a series of projects to support vocational training and education at three educational institutions in the local community.
At the Government Polytechnic Anantapur, Kia is working with Save the Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of children’s rights, welfare and education, to renovate classrooms and develop basic training modules for students hoping to work in India’s burgeoning automotive industry.
The second institution is the Anantapur Industrial Training Institute (ITI), where it is helping to develop a driver’s licence training scheme for up to 100 students a year. The company is also supporting the ITI in establishing new job training modules, focused on delivering vocational information and communications technology (ICT) training for up to 100 local pupils each year to enhance their career prospects.
Kia is also working with the nearby Government Polytechnic Hindupur to support the development of the local educational infrastructure. The company is donating a specially-modified vehicle, equipped with educational books and reference materials, to serve as a mobile school, visiting pupils from remote elementary schools each day.
Kia’s new Green Light Project was marked with a ceremony attended by teachers and students from the Anantapur ITI, local residents, Mahaboobbee, Principal for Girls’ School at Anantapur ITI, Thulasi, Principal for Boys’ School at Anantapur ITI, Dilli Rao, Joint Collector at Anantapur government, and Dosik Kim, Chief Administration Officer at Kia Motors India..
“Kia’s Green Light Project will provide local communities in India with the opportunity to build better lives through improved access to education and better awareness of public health. Kia seeks to provide the means for residents to manage such facilities for themselves,” said Dosik Kim. “To date, our Green Light initiatives have taken place in communities across Africa and Mexico, and this volunteer camp aids us to expand our corporate social responsibility program further afield.”