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Tag: Sustainability


Biodiversity, the lesser child of CSR

Usually when conversations happen on CSR in India, it is often seen that the topics being discussed are community development, with programmes like education,...
Ben and Jerrys Millennials

Sustainability as we knew it is over!

Sustainability among brands is undergoing a renaissance as eco-conscious consumers demand ethical practices, responsible behaviour and innovation to cut excess. In response, brands are...
sustainable packaging

CSR: Sustainable Packaging in Response to Plastic

Use of conventional plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene are facing harsh societal and political criticism due to environmental and waste-disposal concerns. As widely...

CSR: Biodiversity and our Daily Bread

“Biodiversity” is a fairly recent word, used for the first time in a publication by entomologist Edward O. Wilson in 1986. It tends to...
corporate sustainability

CSR and Corporate Sustainability

Corporate sustainability is derived from the concept of sustainable development which is defined by the Brundtland Commission as “development that meets the needs of...
electric car

Asia-Pacific countries agree on inclusive technology and innovation policies to achieve SDGs

Senior government officials from Asia and the Pacific, along with civil society representatives and the private sector have committed to promote more inclusive technology...
Carbon emissions

CSR Stepping Up To Climate Change Action

India is home to one-sixth of the world’s people and is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It is the...

The Gaps in Implemeting CSR in India

India is one of the only countries in the world to regulate Corporate Social Responsbility (CSR) under the Companies Act, 2013. The law provides...

Private Sector Has A Huge Role To Play In The Capacity Building Of Small And Medium Sized NGOs: Jaivir Singh, Vice Chairman, PwC India Foundation

Jaivir Singh is the Vice Chairman of PwC India Foundation (PwCIF) and his primary focus lies in strategising and executing Corporate Responsibility programmes. While...

India’s Leap Towards A Sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution

Globally, the advent of digitally enabled Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has already been termed as the fastest period of innovation ever. Rapid advancements in...
Natural Hazards in India

CSR: 2030 Sustainability Agenda In Asia Pacific

Countries in Asia and the Pacific must build resilience to natural hazards and invest in social protection systems if the region is to achieve...

Conservation to Rejuvenation

Sustainability now needs to shift the paradigm from conservation to rejuvenation. The conversation must evolve from the scare of scarcity to the pursuit of...

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