Home CATEGORIES Business Ethics & Philanthropy CSR: Road Trip To Promote Organ Donation

CSR: Road Trip To Promote Organ Donation


India historically has a very low rate of organ donation. Although this number has improved over the past three-four years, the country still has a long way to go. Every year 3,00,000 Indians need an organ transplant, but only 2 to 3% of this demand for new organs is met. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), only about 0,01% people in India donate their organs after death, while in the western countries up to 70 to 80% people agree to organ donation.

As per past reports, more than 30,000 individuals are in need of liver transplants in the country. However, less than 5% of this number receives a liver before it is too late. The need for kidneys in India stands at two lakh annually, of which only 8,000 manage a transplant. Patients requiring heart or lungs transplants are worst of with less than 1% of them receiving a transplant before time runs out.

SBI Foundation and Mohan Foundation under their project ‘Gift Hope, Gift Life’ have supported and organised a trip to spread awareness in multiple countries on the importance of donating organs.  The association aims at bridging the wide gap in the number of patients needing organ transplant and availability of organs. In the coming months, the foundation will reach out to all employees in the corporate centre to register as organ donors.

Rajnish Kumar, Chairman, SBI flagged off the Mumbai-London road trip of Bhal Shekhar Chilana who will travel around 15 countries, covering 22000 Kms to reach the destination (London) in 91 days. With this trip Shekhar Chilana would be promoting the cause of organ donation.

“I feel everyone must support this cause. I have registered myself as an Organ Donor and we are glad that many of our colleagues have also taken the Pledge. On this occasion, I would like to urge all the employees to spread awareness about the cause of Organ Donation,” said Kumar.

The idea of a road trip struck Shekhar Chilana after his daughter was detected with end-stage kidney failure a few years back. Last year she received a kidney transplant and had got a new lease of life.

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