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National Stock Exchange and UNICEF urge corporates to invest in children and young people


Equitable investments in young people are increasingly seen as one of the best and most valuable long-term investments governments and businesses can make. Investing in young people is important on practical grounds as it yields positive benefits to economies and societies. UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore rang the closing bell at the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) to stress the need for investing in children and young people.

Fore said, “Indian businesses increasingly understand that shared value – the idea that ‘doing good’ is ‘good business’ – is best created through supporting healthier, better educated and more prosperous populations. Businesses don’t need to profit at the expense of communities – but they can profit because the communities in which they operate, and the people who live there, are well-served and well-supported by the local business community.”

During a panel discussion, panellists discussed how businesses can collaborate with organizations such as UNICEF and the NSE to create solutions for children and young people. Vikram Limaye, MD & CEO, NSE said, “NSE through NSE Foundation strongly believes in supporting interventions which are focused, innovative and impact the poorest of poor, marginalised and disadvantaged communities which are part of India’s developmental landscape today.”

In New Delhi earlier this week, UNICEF together with Niti Aayog launched YuWaah! – a platform bringing together young people, government, civil society and the private sector to co-create solutions that can accelerate the much needed changes for young people.