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March 28, 2025

National Nutrition Month: My Plate, My Nutrition campaign launched across 7 states of India

Mumbai, India: To celebrate the National Nutrition Month ‘Poshan Maah’, Britannia Nutrition Foundation (BNF), launches the ‘My Plate, My Nutrition’ campaign in its 9 implementation locations around Britannia Factory. As a part of the campaign, BNF launched extensive month-long on-ground field engagement activities focused on promoting nutrition and health behavior practices in rural parts of India. With this activity, BNF aims to cover 1000+ Aanganwadi centers and schools across 9 locations of Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Assam, Madhya Pradesh & Tamil Nadu. The focus of the initiative is to address the issue of malnutrition among children (0-5 & 6-9 years), adolescents, and pregnant & lactating women, and create widespread awareness about the nutritional contents of various locally produced fruits & vegetables and healthy eating practices.
Company spokesperson at Britannia Nutrition Foundation, said, “The Britannia Nutrition Foundation takes pride in doing its part to contribute to the GoI’s flagship initiative ‘Poshan Maah’ and its theme – ‘Suposhit Bharat, Sakshar Bharat, Sashakt Bharat.’ The efforts taken by our ‘Nutrition Champs’ & ‘Suposhan Sakhis’ in educating their peers about the importance of a balanced meal, consuming the right nutrients, and maintaining health & hygiene are commendable. The IEC (information, education & communication) Booklet that we have launched today is a plethora of information, helping our volunteers and Anganwadi workers in conveying essential information to the communities in Ranjangaon and other regions.”
In Ranjangaon, Maharashtra, BNF installed bulletin boards in schools communicating on the importance of nutrition especially on the issue of Anemia. Additionally, Nutrition corners are set up at the school to provide access to height, weight & BMI calculation, and sessions are organized on raising awareness about growth monitoring. These sessions are being conducted by Nutrition Champions, who are 10 to 18-year-old students from the schools that BNF works with and trains these volunteers. Awareness sessions with women who are pregnant & lactating are planned at the local community level & at the Aanganwadi center.
Mr. Vinod Londe, Child Development Project Officer, Srigonda unveiled the Information, Education, and Communication Flip Book (IEC) developed by the BNF team to be used by field workers and volunteers during their visits in remote regions to promote the agenda of nutrition, health, and hygiene.
“We are very grateful for the transformative role played by the Britannia Nutrition Foundation in our community. Their unwavering commitment has not only removed malnutrition (Kuposhan) and anemia among our children but has also sparked hope for a healthier future. Year after year, they have tirelessly worked across 100 Anganwadis, 37 villages, and 3 blocks in Ahmednagar district, freeing a substantial number of our children from the grasp of these health challenges. This remarkable effort truly embodies the spirit of ‘Meri Thali, Mera Poshan’ and serves as an inspiring example of how collaborative efforts can create lasting positive change in the lives of our next generation,” said Mr. Vinod Londe, Child Development Project Officer, Srigonda.
As a part of the activity, BNF also recognized mothers that were practicing good Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices, children who were able to put together a balanced plate, as well as schools that are serving nutritionally balanced mid-day meals.
In addition, the campaign also hosted a plantation drive in the rural Maharashtra region and planted 1000 trees of citrus fruits in local schools, Anganwadi centers & Britannia factories.
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