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March 29, 2025

Madhya Pradesh govt launches ‘Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya’ education campaign

The ‘Hamara Ghar, Hamara Vidyalaya’ initiative was launched by Jaishri Kiyavat (IAS), Commissioner, Department of Public Instructions (DPI) on 1st July 2020 for secondary school students. The online launch was witnessed by teachers, government officers and parents from across the state.
Jaishri Kiyavat (IAS), Commissioner, Department of Public Instructions (DPI), MP Government says, “The Hamara Ghar, Hamara Vidyalaya’ initiative has been launched to ensure continuity in education for children in Madhya Pradesh during this lockdown. It aims to empower students to further their studies safely in a virtual environment. We are delighted to partner with Marico Limited’s Nihar Shanti Pathshala Funwala and are confident that this collaboration will enable our children to gain access to quality English lessons through innovative teaching methods.”
In line with the Nihar Shanti’s commitment towards supporting children’s education, Nihar Shanti Pathshala Funwala will enable English education for 2.4 million students across the state through structured programmes on Doordarshan and via WhatsApp developed along with its NGO partner LeapForWord. The modular programme will air on Doordarshan Madhya Pradesh at 10:00 am from Monday to Friday and will be delivered through 50 episodes of 20-30 minutes each. Each episode will focus on a specific technique and will have three parts to it – recap, delivery of a new concept and practice of the concept. Along with this, byte-sized English Language concepts in the form of videos, practise sheets and quizzes will be delivered in sync with TV programme through WhatsApp-led DigiLEP – Digital Learning Enhancement Program
Udayraj Prabhu, Executive Vice President – Business Process Transformation & IT at Marico Limited says, “Nihar Shanti Pathshala Funwala has always championed the cause of children’s education with a belief that it is the cornerstone of growth and progress of individuals and the nation. Through our collaboration with the School Education Department of Madhya Pradesh to further their new initiative ‘Hamara Ghar, Hamara Vidyalaya’, we aim to provide easy access to education leveraging technology and help children reach a stage where they can read, spell and comprehend English efficiently. We intend to make a positive impact to the lives of children by making education available during lockdown to children across Madhya Pradesh.”
Under its Nihar Shanti Pathshala Funwala initiative, the brand has been actively running various programmes such as IVR-based Spoken English program, App-based Virtual School and WhatsApp based Teacher Empowerment Program to further its cause of supporting children’s education. This CSR initiative is technologically enabled for implementation across India’s Hindi speaking states. Further, during the nation-wide lockdown, Nihar Shanti Pathshala Funwala launched the Padhai Pe Lockdown Nahi campaign, which ensured students could keep learning English even at home safely.
Disclaimer: This media release is auto-generated. The CSR Journal is not responsible for the content

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