Home CATEGORIES Agriculture & Rural Development State govt. will attract CSR funds with Jharkhand CSR policy

State govt. will attract CSR funds with Jharkhand CSR policy

The State Government of Jharkhand has approved its first-ever CSR policy with a view to realise the overall development of its people, to create an enabling environment and to increase the total volume of CSR investments.
With the help of this new Jharkhand CSR policy, the Government plans to create a conducive environment for attracting CSR investments and best management practices to address various developmental challenges within the state of Jharkhand. It will lead to the establishment of a partnership between the State Government, Corporates, civil society organizations and streamline their priorities and activities.
This policy will also create transparency and avoid duplication of efforts arising out of similar central and state-sponsored schemes and thereby rationalizing the utilization of resources for positive impact. It will also help prioritize meaningful CSR projects to create a sustainable, long-term impact on communities and the environment.
The government also assumes that with this new policy Corporates will also get to know about the areas of priorities to work upon, whereas earlier in the absence of this policy corporate houses used to face difficulty in the selection of projects which will prove to be a long-term sustainable development project.
To realize the goal of the Jharkhand CSR Policy 2020, Jharkhand Corporate Social Responsibility Authority will be constituted under the administrative control of the Department of Industries chaired by the Chief Minister. This authority will work towards increasing CSR investments in Jharkhand.
To bring in transparency and ensure efficient and seamless information flow, a CSR portal will also be made operational. The CSR Portal will be made under the supervision of the JCSRC, An entity established in the year 2015 as the Jharkhand CSR Council. The CSR Portal will contain details on the current projects being funded through CSR classified according to sectors, districts and departments. A shelf of projects will also be available for companies for future project selections. Other details related to CSR funding, Policy & operational guidelines of CSR funding, formats for project proposal, corporate registration form, MoU, etc will also be made available on the website.

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