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April 1, 2025

Sustainability: IKEA Better Living App helped Indians cut carbon footprint by 37,800 kg of CO2

IKEA’s Better Living app enabled the many Indians to live a more sustainable life at home, by following simple and everyday solutions that can help make a difference. The app shows how much energy, carbon or water you are saving in real-time and shows you easy ideas to lead an eco-friendly life.
Globally by 2030, IKEA has set a goal to provide a better living for one billion people around the world using the limited resources we are left with. The new app is part of its progress towards achieving a sustainable future. The company also introduced the Better Living Challenge 2020 – a gamified process that converts sustainability tips into actions that customers can log in the app when they do the same in real-life.
In India, the challenge helped save 37.8 thousand kgs of (CO2) carbon footprint, equivalent to burning 44,000 litres of diesel. The app also supported to conserve 1.4 million litres of water, equivalent to drinking water requirement of 1.86 lakh people in India. The challenge helped waste segregation of 9.6 thousand kgs, equivalent to average daily waste generated in 12000 households of Indian Metro cities.
IKEA Better Living Challenge was able to help many people convert sustainability tips into actions. The actions for eco habits in the app are small, but the accumulation of small actions was able to make a big change. The challenge raised awareness and built knowledge on resource use and ways to reduce environmental footprint. These planet-positive actions reiterated that a sustainable life is affordable, and everyone can make a difference. It was also a step towards enhancing people’s awareness on tackling environmental issues, providing a chance for people to start eco-friendly actions is something that needs to be carried on for good.
The challenge began on 9th August and went on till 24th August 2020. Customers adapted the IKEA Better Living App actions to build healthy and sustainable practices in their homes while contributing to build a better world.
“This challenge highlights the commitment of Indians towards leading a sustainable life. The app has helped us in elevating our sustainability agenda, our customers, coworkers and partners are interested in tracking the impact of their actions on the planet and understand what actions they can take to adopt a sustainable way of life at home. We believe that a healthy and sustainable way of life is for everyone and not only for the few,” says Preet Dhupar, Chief Finance Officer and Sustainability Lead, IKEA India.
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