Sikshana Foundation in association with Dell and the Government of Karnataka has launched STEP (Sikshana’s Technology in Education Program) in 57 Model Schools – Karnataka Public Schools. STEP aims at motivating schools to engage and integrate technology in their daily teaching and learning processes. The digital education model employs a dual approach which builds the basic ICT (Information Communication Technology) skills and 21st-century skills in students and empowers teachers to leverage technology in the classrooms in an experiential manner. This is enabled through the hardware provided by Dell & the offline content package and other inputs developed by Sikshana.
STEP was officially launched by the Chief Minister of Karnataka, H.D. Kumaraswamy and Minister of Education of Karnataka, N. Mahesh on September 5, 2018. As a part of the association, Dell laptops have been gifted to the Karnataka Public Schools to train teachers and the students.
Sikshana Foundation in collaboration with Dell has been providing STEP (Sikshana’s Technology in Education Program) since 2009. The digital education program was started with a handful of schools and is now being offered in 300 plus schools of rural Karnataka in partnership with Dell, impacting more than 15,000 students. As per the MoU, Dell will be providing necessary hardware for implementation of the program along with other inputs which would be developed by Sikshana Foundation.