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March 25, 2025

COVID-19 News: Cosmo Foundation provides relief to underprivileged communities

The entire world is affected by COVID-19. Government, non-profit groups, corporate houses and institutions from different walks of life have joined hands to respond to this pandemic. Cosmo Foundation, a philanthropic initiative of Cosmo Films, has started interventions since the day of the Janta Curfew in March.
The foundation committed 50 lakh rupees to address the crisis by identifying community needs, partnered with committed organizations and made intensive efforts to reach the most vulnerable.
Cosmo Foundation organized food for families of patients near AIIMS and various other hospitals for migrants and daily wage laborers in New Delhi. About 30,000 meals were served. Similarly, 5,000 kgs of groceries was distributed to rickshaw pullers and labourers. This was organized by partnering with Smile India Foundation, Delhi Langar Seva Society, Annamitra Foundation, Vaish Samaj Sudhar Samiti, Earth Savior Foundation and the Delhi Police.
Similarly, the foundation provided relief through food and education in Aurangabad district, which is one of the worst affected districts in Maharashtra; and Vadodara district, the second most affected district in Gujarat. Looking at the need, 2,000 meals were served to daily wagers in MIDC area with the help of ISKCON, 1,350 families were provided Grocery kits in Aurangabad city and Turkabad, Limbejalgav, Waluj and Shendra villages by partnering with Prayas Foundation. In Karjan block of Vadodara district 500 kgs of grocery and 600 meals was distributed to daily wagers and migrants sheltered on Karjan highway. At both locations, masks and sanitizers provided for 450 corona warriors i.e police and front liners on ground.
Yamini Kumar, Managing Trustee of Cosmo Foundation said, “We are partnering with prominent NGOs to provide much-needed help to the needy. We will continue to participate and collaborate in whatever way we could to overcome this COVID-19 pandemic and contribute to the well-being of our nation.”
Education and learning is a distance dream for rural students in Lockdown. Cosmo Foundation has also started providing quality education on topics like computer education, English, life skills, arithmetic and native languages through online digital platforms and also teaching mobile phone operation to students.
Looking at the need, a series of videos, stories and posters have been developed to educate the community on techniques of hand washing, importance of social distancing, ensuring health and hygiene to build immunity and correct use and disposal of masks.
Disclaimer: This media release is auto-generated. The CSR Journal is not responsible for the content.

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