Home Press Release CSR News: SEA6 Energy Company Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Petroleum...

CSR News: SEA6 Energy Company Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Petroleum Cooperation

Sea6 Energy private limited (SEA6), a portfolio company of Tata Capital Innovations Fund, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hindustan Petroleum Corporations Limited (HPCL) to carry out joint Research and Development on the conversion of tropical seaweed biomass to sustainable fuels and chemicals. This partnership strengthens India’s journey towards energy security, align with global climate goals, and establishes a benchmark in sustainable innovation.
The partnership aims to leverage the combined expertise of both parties to develop a scalable and efficient downstream process for production of biofuels from seaweed biomass. The research will be carried out at Bangalore where both companies have established state-of-the-art research facilities. The seaweed Biomass needed for this purpose will be supplied by Sea6 Energy from its own ocean farms.
India is the world’s third largest consumer of petroleum products and imports nearly 80% of its annual crude oil demand. As India looks to transition to a sustainable economy, finding adequate feedstock for conversion to biofuels while also maintaining food security for a growing population is a high priority. Seaweed biomass has the potential to be a scalable and sustainable feedstock of the future, which can be grown in the open oceans and does not need any agricultural land for its production.  The joint research program between HPCL Green R&D centre and Sea6 Energy will focus on developing technologies related to converting seaweed biomass to fuels & chemicals. In addition, Sea6 Energy will continue to work on further developing its proprietary technology for mechanized large scale farming of tropical seaweeds and to scale-up the production of the seaweed biomass to meet future demand.
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