Circular Economy

How a circular economy mindset can help secure a water-positive future for India

Water is one of our most precious and undervalued resources. We need it to maintain good health and a biodiverse environment, to grow food and across every industry. Access to clean water is at the forefront of building a more equitable society, which is why the UN included this in the Sustainable Development Goals. However,...
Technology Sustainability

How Technology Provides a Faster Path to Sustainability

Technology that is sustainable has already influenced innovation and everyday life. Leading businesses are cognizant of the need for a comprehensive approach to transformation to achieve ambitious sustainability targets. Sustainable environmental technology has the power to revolutionise the way that businesses and government operations are conducted. People are making an effort to live sustainably,...

Gender Disparities in Eye Health in India

Gender-related barriers to healthcare are not newfound. The gender disparities in eye health cannot be simplified. There are several complexities including decades of social conditioning that has led to the stark gap in accessing overall healthcare including eye health seeking behaviour of women. A lack of gender parity is not unique to India but...

Need and Demand for Green Buildings in India

As India grapples with the challenges of climate change, the evolution and expansion of sustainable building practices emerge as a critical aspect in our environmental efforts. Buildings in India are currently responsible for over 40% of the country's total energy consumption, and to add to that, the energy usage is growing at a concerning...

Unlocking the power of CSR: Impactful Initiatives and future outlook

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has undergone a remarkable evolution, transforming from a mere token of philanthropy to a strategic imperative that businesses embrace to create a positive impact on society and foster sustainable growth. In today's interconnected world, stakeholders such as customers, employees, and investors desire more from businesses. They want organizations to contribute...

The Significance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Contemporary Business

India, a nation characterized by its perpetual dynamism, is well-known for its vibrant energy and activity. The business landscape in India is experiencing a gradual yet relentless expansion, accompanied by a heightened emphasis on societal well-being. As multinational corporations (MNCs) flourish and startups undergo transformative growth, a newfound commitment to environmental stewardship has emerged....
Plastic Pollution

F&B Industry needs to be more proactive with plastic

The Food and Beverage (F&B) industry plays a crucial role in shaping modern consumer habits and influencing environmental trends. In recent years, the world has awakened to the dire consequences of plastic pollution on the planet's ecosystems and human health. As plastic waste continues to inundate landfills, oceans, and natural habitats, it has become...

Preserving Our Planet: The Urgency of Environmental Conservation

Highlighting the critical need to protect the environment and the importance of taking timely action to address pressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. In the midst of technological advancements and rapid industrialization, it is of utmost importance that we continually acknowledge and prioritize the essential need for a healthy and thriving...

The Changing Role of Corporate Social Responsibility

The journey for CSR in India that started decades ago by only a handful of family run organizations, has gradually become an integral part of the philanthropic road map. The culture of giving back to society has always been a part of Indian organizations and Indian societal norms. However, this practice has witnessed a...

Unleashing the Potential of Corporate Social Responsibility

In the past few years, corporate social responsibility spending has seen a steady year on year increase. In its latest newsletter, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has stated that India has witnessed an 80% increase in CSR spending from FY16 to FY21. However, the MCA report also stated that the impact of these...
Indian Women Unpaid House Work

How can labour saving technologies reduce the care burden for women and girls in India?

On average, women in India spend nearly ~10x more time on unpaid domestic work than men.  This includes childcare, elder care, and domestic chores, which are crucial for the health, development, and day-to-day well-being of members of the household. Domestic chores include activities such as cleaning, collecting firewood for cooking and lighting, collecting and...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Whose is it?

Corporate social responsibility implies the need for organizations to develop sustainability by giving back to the community, economy and ecosystem. This focus area helps organizations develop accountability with respect to helping improve their communities, societies and doing this through carefully and meaningfully planned initiatives. This way, all their members can actively participate. Focused interventions...

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