Home Press Release Bloomberg launches ‘Data for Good Exchange’ in Asia with Dasra as philanthropy...

Bloomberg launches ‘Data for Good Exchange’ in Asia with Dasra as philanthropy partner

Bloomberg today announced at the inaugural RADAR – Tracking Tomorrow dialogue series the launch of ‘Data for Good Exchange’ (D4GX) in Asia with philanthropy partner Dasra. D4GX, which will initially launch in India, forms part of a long Bloomberg tradition of advocacy for using data science and human capital to solve societal and civic problems.
Since 2014, Bloomberg has been hosting the annual Data for Good Exchange conference on applications of data science to problems related to the social good. This forum has enabled participants from academia, industry, government and NGOs to share insights and progress on how best to apply modern machine learning and data science methods to solve problems in the public and non-profit sectors.

As part of the CSR initiative, Bloomberg will be hosting a series of thought leadership conversations throughout 2021 for Indian non-profits, funders, the government, and data scientists from both academia and industry to work towards strengthening the data ecosystem for India’s development sector. This dialogue series will culminate in the first D4GX conference in India.

Shawn Edwards, Bloomberg’s Chief Technology Officer, said “With Bloomberg’s experience in building sustainable cities and strengthening data for development, there exists an immense opportunity for nonprofits, funders and governments to understand how to use modern machine learning and data science to improve civic and social outcomes. We are excited to introduce Data for Good Exchange in Asia, to better understand specific needs across the region, and to share our data-driven approach to addressing social challenges.”

Data for Good Exchange will focus on three key aspects in India:

Sector-specific dialogue series – focusing on five potential areas of impact including education & employability, healthcare, gender mainstreaming, urban transformation and NGO resilience. This would encourage nuanced discussions on data issues and enable open and collaborative approaches to data, to enable its full potential for India’s most vulnerable sections of society.
Amplification support to select non-profits – To drive real impact and change in India’s data ecosystem, there is a need to build non-profits’ capacity to raise funding for data infrastructure. The right platform can connect non-profits with strategic philanthropists who understand the value of data and are willing to commit funds to strengthen this critical area.
Data for Good Exchange India Conference – This will serve as an opportunity for stakeholders across various sectors to come together, further deepen the conversation, identify partners to collaborate with, and, most importantly, commit to action and funding towards strengthening India’s data ecosystem. The conference will build on key insights from the webinar series including strengthening the dialogue about gaps in the data value chain, showcasing best practices, and providing a platform for shortlisted organizations to present their data journey to win a grant from Bloomberg.
“We are pleased to collaborate with Bloomberg to bring Data for Good Exchange to India. With our deep knowledge of India’s development sector and our experience of advisory work with non-profits and philanthropists, we believe a ‘commons approach’ to data is called for in India’s social sector. This approach includes elements such as shared ownership, open sourced data analytics tools, accessible data platforms, universally acceptable metrics and taxonomies and voluntary data contributions. And philanthropy has a crucial role to play to enable this transformation,” said Anant Bhagwati, Director at Dasra.
Vandna Ramchandani, APAC Head of Corporate Philanthropy at Bloomberg, added: “The pandemic has brought the importance of reliable and timely data in large countries like India to the forefront even more than before. Data for Good Exchange will serve as a platform to bring together the best minds from government, academia, development sector and philanthropy to not only share and learn from their collective experience but also to create and support solutions for greater impact.”
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