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CSR News: Mental Wellbeing of Children During Lockdown

Children are encouraged to play outdoors for their physical and mental well-being. Socializing is as much important for children as it is for the adults – in many cases, even more. The exposure that children get from dealing with other children and adults plays a major role in their personality.
Children, if forced to stay in a confined space for a longer duration, might suffer from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem among many other mental health disorders. However, in the current situation, considering the fact that the children are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19, they are forced to stay indoors.
Popcorn School Furniture, India’s largest educational furniture manufacturing company, has announced a one-month campaign focused on the mental wellbeing of the children. The campaign, launched in association with Good Karma, aims to mitigate the stress in children during the COVID-19 outbreak through workshops and activities.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a high level of anxiety and fear in the minds of adults as well as children, who need extra care and proper guidance at this time. The organization will hold virtual workshops with kids as well as parents under the instruction of experts. Parents will be asked to plan some activities for their children, such as reading, painting, cooking, games and an interactive session with grandparents to spend their time productively. One-to-one interaction with Dr Ranjan Ghosh (American Board certified with more than 20 years of experience) of Good Karma clinic will be held with kids and parents. Through this campaign, the brand will host engaging and innovative activities through its online platform for kids to boost their mental ability.
Commenting on the association, Ms Deepika Goyal, Founder and Director, Popcorn Furniture, said, “The emotional wellbeing of children is equally important as their physical health. Good mental health allows them to develop the resilience to cope with this lockdown situation. It is very essential to let the children use this time in a meaningful constructive manner instead of idling their time at home. We need to train kids and parents to cope with this situation under the supervision of experts. Hence the tie-up with Good Karma that deals with all aspects of mental wellbeing and counselling by Dr Ranjan Ghosh will be fruitful for our target group.”
Dr Ranjan Ghosh, psychiatrist, Good Karma, said, “An event that is outside our control can certainly damage our mental health, and it is made worse if we feel powerless to do anything about it. One way we can regain control and nourish our mental health is to remember the ‘The Five Ways to Wellbeing’ which have been found in research to improve mental wellbeing in children and adults. They are – Give to others in your home, connect via phone or online, be aware, be active and keep learning. That is why I have decided to link up with Popcorn Furniture to collaborate for the initiative #teachkarona to spread this important message during these anxious and uncertain times.”